Sunday, July 26, 2020

Is Baptism Required to be Saved?

There are many teachings about how to be saved. What part, if any, does water baptism play? In this video you'll see what the Bible actually says about the subject. To download a PDF to follow along, please click here: Visit my blog for free downloadable study guides and my video series on "Building Your Relationship with God" https://gregbiblestudy.blogspot.comAlso check out my book by the same name on Amazon. Be blessed.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What Really Caused the Ice Age?

Up in the frigid heights of Mount Baker, atmospheric scientist Larry Vardiman explains how the global flood created the unique climate conditions necessary for the rapid formation of massive glaciers across the northern hemisphere, an ice age to occur. He also discusses climate change, the extinction of wooly mammoths after the flood, and the reliability of ice core dating. For more information, please visit Is Genesis History

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

20,000 Dinosaurs Buried Instantly, in Massive Graves, but How?

Taphonomist Arthur Chadwick shows us his collection of 20,000 fossils, including those from Edmontosaurus, Triceratops, Nanotyrannus, and Tyrannosaurus Rex, gathered from Hanson Ranch in Wyoming.  He explains his unique findings in tracing paleocurrents from a worldwide flood.

When noted Geologists examine the sediment layers in the Grand Canyon and areas throughout Wyoming, Montana, Canada and other places they see no periods of time between layers. The layers were laid down upon one another in a very short time - matter of days or months at the most - not years.  The fossils are not random, but massive graveyards caused by a global catastrophe, that is unlike anything we see today.  Watch this fascinating interview that suggests there was a massive global flood as described in Genesis 6.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Is Genesis History?

Is the Genesis record of an early creation history, or myth? Why do you say that?  Have you considered the evidence with an open and inquiring mind? In this documentary you will be challenged to consider things that you definitely were not taught in public school; things many renowned scientists now admit is highly reasonable and probable.

I hope you enjoy this thought provoking documentary and the many interviews with PhD scientists from many fields as they explain the evidence they see as they look at the world around them.