

We're Greg and Mihaela King and welcome to our site! Just for a quick reference on how to navigate our site; You are now on the welcome page. You can order my book "Building Your Relationship with God" on Amazon by CLICKING HERE.

  • Recent blog posts are on the "HOME" page. One of my favorite articles is "Pocket Knives and a Winchester Hatchet." You can also see some recent pictures of our house church we host in our home here in the oil patch in North Dakota. We're a multi-cultural group with people from Romania, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Vietnam - and of course Montana and Nebraska!
  • Course materials are on the left.
  • Top left, you'll find a Bible picture.  Click that for my video course - "Building Your Relationship With God" There you'll get a feel for my teaching style.
  • On the right column, you'll find my references, philosophy of ministry, cover letter and resume should you be interested.
I served as a church planting evangelist for 25 years. I also served as the Director for the Edmonton School of Evangelism 1987-1990.  In those years, thousands of people were won to Christ.  I encountered a problem experienced by most church planters.  There wasn't an easy and duplicatible  curriculum for winning people to Christ, following up on new believers, training leaders and equipping the church to grow.

Sadly, the typical church structure, especially in North America, is a class-room, educational model where members are encouraged to be faithful in attending worship services and classes in a church building or rented facility.  "Faithfulness" is often measured by attendance rather than the fruit of the Spirit in ones life.  Preachers are hired on the basis of their pulpit speaking ability to members, rather than their effectiveness as Evangelists whose mission it is to preach the Gospel of God's grace to the world, and equip the members for effective works for service so the church can grow spiritually and numerically and become more like Jesus (Ephesians 4:11-12). Jesus gave the Great Commission as His final marching orders to His followers, but most Christians are not equipped to fulfill those orders, and most churches are stagnant and inwardly focused and not impacting their own community, let alone the whole world. 

With that background, I developed much of the material on this site to make it available for free for those wanting to obey the Great Commission and be effective at bringing people to Christ, growing them into Christ-like maturity, training members for effective ministry so that leaders can be continually developed and equipped. There have been approximately 200,000 downloads from around the world through word of mouth. 

I believe God has a very deliberate purpose for His church that He wants to be made clear (Hebrews 6:17). His purpose is to equip His children to turn the world upside down with His radical message of salvation by grace through faith and to win as many as possible to the praise of His glorious grace which He brought about in Christ. He loves the lost, paid a tremendous cost for the world's salvation and expects His church to be about the mission for which he commissioned us.  "The Commission is our Mission!"

We are presently praying that God would open a door for us to work with a church or mission effort passionate about wining the lost and growing a thriving and vibrant church for God's glory.
My wife Mihaela was raised in an orphanage in Romania and part of our dream is to be able to travel, at least occasionally, and get her story into the hearts of other orphans who don't realize they have a Father who loves and adores them.  Her favorite verse is "My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in," (Psalm 27:10). I never before met a person who actually feels that God is literally her Abba - daddy!  She inspires me!

Feel free to use and share any of the materials on this blog and send your friends and church here often.  It will be updated regularly.

Do you know how people see you as a believer?  I asked a nine year old boy who his heroes were. His answer was, "Garth Brooks, You and Jesus!"  Click the article to read it.  CLICK HERE

God bless,

Greg and Mihaela King


  1. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. King for your dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We've downloaded your studies and find them very helpful in helping us grow into the likeness of Christ. Your testimonies of Christ in your life and all your experience are an encouragement to us. Keep up the great work. Neena Simeon

    1. Thank you Neena. God bless you and your efforts to share the Gospel.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. There is a donate button on this page, but let me know how else you would like to help. God bless
